David Vega Maza

David Vega-Maza es Profesor Titular en la Universidad de Valladolid (UVa), España. Cuenta con más de 11 años de experiencia investigadora y docente en EE.UU. y el Reino Unido. Obtuvo su doctorado en Ingeniería Termodinámica de Fluidos en 2009. Ha desarrollado su carrera en el NIST (EE.UU.), el Imperial College London (Reino Unido) y la Universidad de Aberdeen (Reino Unido). Antes de incorporarse a la UVa en 2020, fue Profesor Titular en Ingeniería Energética en la Universidad de Aberdeen, además de responsable del grupo de investigación multidisciplinar sobre Captura, Utilización y Almacenamiento de Carbono (CCUS), miembro de la dirección de Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage (SCCS), y coordinador del primer y único programa de Máster en el mundo sobre desmantelamiento de plataformas petrolíferas y estructuras offshore.
Ha liderado 26 proyectos de I+D financiados tanto por fuentes públicas como privadas, obteniendo un total de 1,5 millones de euros en subvenciones competitivas (35 % de financiación industrial, 65 % de fondos públicos). David ha supervisado 7 tesis y actualmente dirige 2 más. Sus responsabilidades docentes incluyen Termodinámica, Propiedades Termodinámicas de Gases y Líquidos y Análisis Termodinámico de Sistemas Energéticos.

Su carrera investigadora se especializa en mediciones de propiedades con muy baja incertidumbre, y en herramientas de interpretación y predicción avanzadas necesarias para el desarrollo de modelos, mediciones trazables y validación de nuevas técnicas. Su experiencia abarca la termodinámica experimental (incluyendo calorimetría y comportamiento de fases), la metrología (técnicas acústicas para propiedades de gases y nuevos estándares en temperatura e higrometría basados en microondas) y la química de superficies. Aplica su experiencia en propiedades termofísicas y comportamiento de fases de fluidos a diversas áreas como CCUS; bioenergía/biocombustibles; producción, transporte y almacenamiento de hidrógeno; así como en el análisis dinámico de la Tasa de Retorno Energético (EROI).


Correo: david.vega@uva.es

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    • Leusmann, S. Klink, D. Vega-Maza, M. Richter, Dew points for hydrogen-rich (hydrogen + propane) and (hydrogen + n-butane) mixtures determined with a microwave re-entrant cavity resonator, Fuel 377 (2024)
    • Vinogradov, M. Hidayat, M. Sarmadivaleh, D. Vega-Maza, S. Iglauer, L. Zhang, D. Mei, J. Derksen, Zeta Potential of Supercritical CO2-Water-Sandstone Systems and Its Correlation with Wettability and Residual Subsurface Trapping of CO2, Water Resources Research 60 (2024).
    • Pérez-Milian, A. Moreau, J.D. Arroyave, F. Vélez, X. Paredes, D. Vega-Maza, Densities and isobaric heat capacities at high pressures of aqueous solutions of 2-diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) or 2-ethylaminoethanol (EAE) for CO2 capture, Journal of Molecular Liquids 404 (2024).
    • J. Segovia, M.C. Martín, X. Paredes, A. Rojo, F. Vélez, D. Vega-Maza, Speed of sound measurements in (carbon monoxide + ethane) and (carbon monoxide + propane) gas mixtures at T = (260 to 350) K and up to 12 MPa, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 192 (2024).
    • I. Concepción, A. Moreau, D. Vega-Maza, X. Paredes, M.C. Martín, Heat capacities of different amine aqueous solutions at pressures up to 25 MPa for CO2 capture, Journal of Molecular Liquids 377 (2023.
    • J. Segovia, A. Moreau, X. Paredes, T.E. Fernández-Vicente, D. Vega-Maza, M.C. Martín, Speed of Sound Measurements of Biogas from a Landfill Biomethanation Process, Energies (Basel) 16 (2023).
    • Hidayat, M. Sarmadivaleh, J. Derksen, D. Vega-Maza, S. Iglauer, J. Vinogradov, Zeta Potential of a Natural Clayey Sandstone Saturated With Carbonated NaCl Solutions at Supercritical CO2 Conditions, Geophysical Research Letters 49 (2022).
    • Moreau, I. Polishuk, J.J. Segovia, D. Tuma, D. Vega-Maza, M.C. Martín, Measurements and predictions of densities and viscosities in CO2 + hydrocarbon mixtures at high pressures and temperatures: CO2 + n-pentane and CO2 + n-hexane blends, Journal of Molecular Liquids 360 (2022).
    • J. Segovia, D. Lozano-Martin, D. Tuma, A. Moreau, M. Carmen Martín, D. Vega-Maza, Speed of sound data and acoustic virial coefficients of two binary (N2 + H2) mixtures at temperatures between (260 and 350) K and at pressures between (0.5 and 20) MPa, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 171 (2022).
    • Vinogradov, M. Hidayat, M. Sarmadivaleh, J. Derksen, D. Vega-Maza, S. Iglauer, D. Jougnot, M. Azaroual, P. Leroy, Predictive surface complexation model of the calcite-aqueous solution interface: The impact of high concentration and complex composition of brines, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 609 (2022) 852–867.
    • Hidayat, M. Sarmadivaleh, J. Derksen, D. Vega-Maza, S. Iglauer, J. Vinogradov, Zeta potential of CO2-rich aqueous solutions in contact with intact sandstone sample at temperatures of 23 °C and 40 °C and pressures up to 10.0 MPa, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 607 (2022) 1226–1238.
    • Lozano-Martín, D. Vega-Maza, A. Moreau, M.C. Martín, D. Tuma, J.J. Segovia, Speed of sound data, derived perfect-gas heat capacities, and acoustic virial coefficients of a calibration standard natural gas mixture and a low-calorific H2-enriched mixture, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 158 (2021).
    • Sun, J. Alcalde, M. Bakhtbidar, J. Elío, V. Vilarrasa, J. Canal, J. Ballesteros, N. Heinemann, S. Haszeldine, A. Cavanagh, D. Vega-Maza, F. Rubiera, R. Martínez-Orio, G. Johnson, R. Carbonell, I. Marzan, A. Travé, E. Gómez-Rivas, “Hubs and clusters approach to unlock the development of carbon capture and storage – Case study in Spain”, Applied Energy, 300: 117418- , (2021)
    • Lozano-Martín, D. Vega-Maza, M. C. Martín, D. Tuma, C. R. Chamorro, “Thermodynamic characterization of the (CO2 + O2) binary system for the development of models for CCS processes: Accurate experimental (p, ρ, T) data and virial coefficients,” Journal of Supercritical Fluids, vol. 169, p. 105074, (2021)
    • Concepción, A. Moreau, M. Carmen Martín, D. Vega-Maza, JJ. Segovia, “Density and viscosity of aqueous solutions of Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) + Diethanolamine (DEA) at high pressures”, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 148, 106141. (2020)
    • Lozano-Martín, A. Rojo, MC. Martin, D. Vega-Maza, JJ. Segovia, “Speeds of sound for (CH4 + He) mixtures from p = (0.5 to 20) MPa at T = (273.16 to 375) K”, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 139, 105869. (2019)
    • A. Mutch., S. Shulda, A. J. McCue, M. J. Menart, C. V. Ciobanu, C. Ngo, J. A. Anderson, R. M. Richards, D. Vega-Maza. “Carbon Capture by Metal Oxides: Unleashing the Potential of the (111) Facet”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 13, 4736-4742. (2018)
    • A. Mutch, J.A. Anderson, D. Vega-Maza. “Surface and bulk carbonate formation in calcium oxide during CO2 capture”. Applied Energy, 202, 365-376. (2017)
    • A. Mutch, S. Morandi, R. Walker, J.A. Anderson. D. Vega-Maza, L. Operti, G. Cerrato. “Cation Dependent Carbonate Speciation and the Effect of Water”. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 31, 17570-17578. (2016)
    • A. Mutch., J.A. Anderson, R. Walker, G. Cerrato, S. Morandi, L. Operti, D. Vega-Maza. ‘In-situ infrared spectroscopy as a non-invasive technique to study carbon sequestration at high pressure and high temperature’. International journal of greenhouse gas control, 51, 126-135. (2016)
    • Fandiño, J. P. M. Trusler, D. Vega-Maza. «Phase behavior of (CO2 + H2) and (CO2 + N2) at temperatures between (218.15 and 303.15) K at pressures up to 15 MPa». International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 36, 78-92 (2015)
    • Tong, J. P. M. Trusler, D. Vega-Maza. “Solubility of CO2 in aqueous solutions of CaCl2 or MgCl2 and in a synthetic formation brine at temperatures up to 423 K and pressures up to 40 MPa” Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 58, 2116-2124 (2013)
    • Peng, J. P. Crawshaw, G. C.Maitland, J. P. M. Trusler, D. Vega-Maza, “The pH of CO2-Saturated Water at Temperatures Between 308 K and 423 K at Pressures up to 15 MPa”. Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 82, 129-137 (2013)
    • David Vega-Maza, M. Carmen Martín, J.P. Martin Trusler, José J. Segovia. “Heat capacities and densities of the binary mixtures containing ethanol , cyclohexane or 1-hexene at high pressures”. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 57, 550-557, (2013)
    • Vega-Maza, J. J. Segovia, M. C. Martín, Rosa M. Villamañán, C. R. Chamorro, M. A. Villamañán: «Thermodynamic properties of biofuels: heat capacities of binary mixtures containing ethanol and hydrocarbons up to 20 MPa and the pure compounds using a new flow calorimeter». Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 43, 12, 1893-1896, (2011)
    • Vega-Maza, W. W. Miller,· D. C. Ripple, G. E. Scace. : «A Humidity Generator for Temperatures up to 200 C and Pressures up to 1.6 MPa». International Journal of Thermophysics. 33, 8-9, 1477-1487, (2012)
    • J. Segovia, D. Vega-Maza, M. C. Martín, E. Gómez, C. Tabacaru, D. del Campo. : «An apparatus based on a spherical resonator for measuring the speed of sound in gases and for determining the Boltzmann constant». International Journal of Thermophysics. 31, 7, 1294-1309, (2010)
    • Peleties, J. J. Segovia, J.P.M. Trusler, D. Vega-Maza. “Thermodynamic Properties and Equation of State of Liquid Di-Isodecyl Phthalate at Temperature Between (273 and 423) K and at Pressures up to 140 MPa”. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 42, 5, 631-639, (2010)
    • José J. Segovia, M. Carmen Martín, David Vega-Maza, César R. Chamorro, Miguel A. Villamañán. “Thermodynamics of biofuels: Excess enthalpies for binary mixtures involving ethyl 1,1-dimethylethyl ether and hydrocarbons at different temperatures using a new flow calorimeter”. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 41, 6, 759-763, (2009)
    • Rosa M. Villamañán, José J. Segovia, M. Carmen Martín, David Vega-Maza, César R. Chamorro, Miguel A. Villamañán. “Thermodynamics of fuels with a bio-synthetic component (IV): (Vapor + liquid) equilibrium data for the ternary mixture (ethyl 1,1-dimethylethyl ether + 1-hexene + toluene) at T = 313.15 K”. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 41, 2, 189-192, (2009).
    • José J. Segovia, David Vega-Maza, César R. Chamorro and M. Carmen Martín. “High-pressure isobaric heat capacities using a new flow calorimeter”. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 46, 3, 258-264, (2008)
    • M. Villamañán, David Vega-Maza, C.R. Chamorro, M.A. Villamañán, J.J. Segovia. “Thermodynamics of fuels with a biosynthetic component (III): Vapor–liquid equilibrium data for the ternary mixture ethyl 1,1-dimethylethyl ether, n-heptane and 1-hexene at T = 313.15 K”. Fluid Phase Equilibria 265 1-2, 12-16, (2008)
    • Rosa M. Villamañán, David Vega-Maza, César R. Chamorro, Miguel A. Villamañán and José J. Segovia. “Thermodynamics of Fuels with a Biosynthetic Component. II. Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium Data for Binary and Ternary Mixtures Containing Ethyl 1,1-Dimethylethyl Ether, 1-Hexene, and Cyclohexane at T = 313.15 K”. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 53, 1, 247–251, (2008)

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