The transition to a low carbon economy needs to achieve multiple aims: competitiveness, protection of the environment, creation of quality jobs, and social welfare. Thus policy-makers and other key stakeholders require tools that need to focus beyond the energy sector by including these other domains of economy, society and the environment. Currently, most available tools lack integration of these important areas despite being tightly connected to the energy sector. Moreover, current energy modelling tools often lack documentation, transparency and have been developed for a specialized insider audience, which makes validation and comparison of results as well as independent review impossible. Our project aims to solve the current needs of integration and transparency by developing a leading-edge policy modelling tool based on WoLiM, TIMES and LEAP models and incorporating Input-Output Analysis, that allows for accounting of environmental, social and economic impacts. The modular design of the tool will take into account the necessary flexibility to deal with different levels and interests of stakeholders at great sectorial and spatial detail. Finally, transparency will be achieved through an open access freeware distribution of the model based on the open access programming language (Python), providing a detailed user manual, addressed to a wider non-specialist audience, and including free internet courses and learning materials.
Participants: AGENCIA ESTATAL CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS Spain, CONSORZIO INTERUNIVERSITARIO NAZIONALE PER LA SCIENZA E TECNOLOGIA DEI MATERIALI Italy, CENTRE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCESAND SAVING FONDATION Greece, FUNDACION CIRCE CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION DE RECURSOS Y CONSUMOS ENERGETICOS Spain, Masarykova univerzita Czech Republic, GEEDS- UNIVERSIDAD DE VALLADOLID Spain, ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY HIGHER EDUCATION CORPORATION United Kingdom, SDRUZHENIE CHERNOMORSKI IZSLEDOVATELSKI ENERGIEN TSENTAR Bulgaria, INTERNATIONALES INSTITUT FUER ANGEWANDTE SYSTEMANALYSE Austria, Hnutí DUHA – Friends of the Earth Czech Republic Czech Republic, OSTERREICHISCHE ENERGIEAGENTUR AUSTRIAN ENERGY AGENCY Austria, Blue4You Belgium. Modelo de simulación de sistema integrado energía-economía-cambio climático para España. Plan Nacional de I+D, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (ref: CGL2009-14268, 2010-2012) Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el desarrollo un modelo de simulación del sistema energíaeconomía-cambio climático basado en dinámica de sistemas para el estado español, que permita analizar diferentes escenarios de políticas energéticas, económicos y tecnológicos. La estructura básica del modelo está basada en las curvas de extracción de los recursos energéticos no renovables (de acuerdo con estudios sobre el pico del petróleo y otros perfiles de agotamiento) y en los ritmos de implantación de diferentes tipos de energías renovables y tecnologías de ahorro. El resultado final del proyecto debe ser un modelo de simulación que permita analizar el impacto de diversas políticas en el suministro energético español y el impacto que el agotamiento de los combustibles fósiles puede tener en la economia.Guiding European Policy toward a low-carbon economy. Modelling Energy system Development
under Environmental And Socioeconomic constraints (2016-2020).
( Horizon 2020Call: H2020-LCE-2015-2)