Cyted is the Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development, created by the governments of Ibero-American countries to promote cooperation in science, technology and innovation for the harmonious development of Latin America.
Cyted achieves its objectives through different financial instruments that mobilize entrepreneurs, researchers and Ibero-American experts and enable them to generate research, development and innovation projects. Thus, the countries that make up the CYTED Program manage to keep up-to-date with the latest advances and scientific and technological developments.
Since its creation in 1984, more than 28,000 entrepreneurs, researchers and Ibero-American experts have participated in the Program in priority areas of knowledge.
The results of the Program include the generation of strategic R & D projects involving companies and experts, who, through the CYTED cooperation platform, gain access to important international funds.
CYTED’s main objective is to contribute to the harmonious development of the Ibero-American region through cooperation mechanisms that seek scientific and technological results applicable to productive systems and social policies. The beneficiaries of CYTED financing instruments can be universities, R & D centers and innovative companies in member countries.
The CYTED Program has also the aim to act as a bridge for interregional cooperation in Science and Technology between the European Union and Latin America.
CYTED was created in 1984 through an Inter-institutional Framework Agreement signed by 21 countries of Spanish-Portuguese language. Since 1995, the CYTED Program has been formally included among the Cooperation Programs of the Ibero-American Summits of Heads of State and Government.
The specific objectives of the CYTED Program are:
To promote the integration of the Ibero-American Scientific and Technological Community, promoting an agenda of shared priorities for the region.
To strengthen the technological development capacity of Latin America through the promotion of scientific research, the transfer of knowledge and techniques, and the exchange of scientists among R + D + i groups in the member countries.
To promote the participation of business sectors of the member countries interested in innovation processes, in accordance with the research and technological developments of the Ibero-American Scientific and Technological Community.
To promote the participation of researchers from the Region in other multilateral research programs through agreements.