Jorge García Arias
A graduate in Economics (with an Extraordinary Prize) and a PhD in European Economics (with an Extraordinary Prize and the Prize of the Economic and Social Council of Spain), his main lines of research are related to Critical Development Studies, International Political Economy and Critical Political Economy, and his geographical areas of specialization are Latin America, the EU and ASEAN.
He has carried out research stays at the Institute of Latin American Studies (UK), the School of Oriental and African Studies (UK), Roskilde University (DK), University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (Nl) and the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK), among others. He is the author of more than thirty academic publications, has been a member of the Committee of Academic Experts to report on the Spanish position at the Third United Nations Conference on Financing for Development (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015), external consultant for the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), evaluator of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) programme for the Irish Research Council (IRC), and member of the Editorial Board of the Revista de Economía Mundial (SSCI) and the Revista de Economía Crítica.
He is a member of the Academic Committee of the Interuniversity Official Master’s Degree in International Development Cooperation (Ubu, Ule, Usal and Uva), of the Chair of Solidarity Finance and Human Development (Uva) and external evaluator of the MA in Political Economy and Sociology of Development (SOAS, UK). He has taught more than 15 subjects in a dozen different Diploma, Bachelor’s, Degree, Master’s and Doctorate degrees.
Academic publications
- Juanjo Mediavilla, Jorge García-Arias. “Philanthrocapitalism as a Neoliberal (Development Agenda) Artefact. Philanthropic Discourse and Hegemony in (Financing for) International Development”. Globalizations, 16(6): 857-875. 2019.
- Alfredo Macías-Vázquez, Jorge García-Arias. “Financialization, Institutional Reform and Structural Change in the Bolivian Boom (2006-2014)”. Latin American Perspectives, 46(2): 47–64. 2019.
- Jorge García-Arias. “International Financialisation and the Systemic Approach to International Financing for Development”. Global Policy, 6(1): 24-33. 2015
- Jorge García-Arias. “The Systemic Approach to International Financing for Development and the Need for a World Tax and Financial Organization”. European Journal of Development Research, 25(1): 60-77. 2013.
- Jorge García-Arias, Eduardo Fernandez-Huerga, Ana Salvador. “European Periphery Crises, International Financial Markets, and Democracy”. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 72(4): 826-850. 2013.