Contact: juanmanuel.campos <@>

Juan Manuel Campos Rodríguez, born in Valladolid in 2000, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Valladolid (UVa), where he graduated with honors and received the UVa – Banco Santander Award for Excellence in Degree and the Award for the best Final Degree Project “Valladolid, smart and climate neutral city” (1st prize). Currently, he is pursuing a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering at the same University and plans to continue with a PhD in Industrial Engineering.

Since 2022, he has been working at the Research Group in Energy, Economics, and System Dynamics (GEEDS) within the framework of European Research Projects such as LOCOMOTION. His main research focus is on the uses of hydrogen for energy transition, a topic on which he presented his Final Degree Project ( He intends to continue exploring this area in his Master’s Thesis and his Doctoral Dissertation.

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