Mónica Di Donato
Graduate in Political Economy (University “G. d’Annunzio”, Pescara, Italy). Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) within the doctoral program “The natural and human environment in the Social Sciences”, from the University of Salamanca (Extraordinary Award). Currently, she is a PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Valladolid with a thesis that analyzes the regional physical flows of households in Spain, through the approximation of socioeconomic metabolism. Within the framework of Ecological Economics, her research focuses on the systematization of indexes and indicators of strong sustainability, applied, in particular, to the food system.
Academic publications
- Di Donato, M., Carpintero, Ó., 2021. Household Food Metabolism: Losses, Waste and Environmental Pressures of Food Consumption at the Regional Level in Spain. Foods, 10, 1166. https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/10/6/1166
- Di Donato, M., P. L. Lomas, Ó. Carpintero (2015): “Metabolism and environmental impacts of household consumption: A review on the assessment, methodology and drivers”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19, pp. 904-916.
- Álvarez, S., Bellver, J., del Viso, N., Di Donato, M., Vicent, L., (en orden alfabético), (2019): “La crisis ecosocial global: una breve aproximación al caso español”, Documento de trabajo 1.2., VIII Informe FOESSA, 2019.
- Gomiero T., Di Donato M. (2017). “Megafusiones en el sistema agroalimentario: el caso de Bayer-Monsanto. ¿Qué riesgos hay en Europa? Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global”, núm. 139, FUHEM Ecosocial, 39-53.
- Di Donato M., “Hacia una ecología de la alimentación. La comida no es solo comida”, (Coords) Nierenberg, D. y Halweil B., “La situación del mundo 2011. Innovaciones para alimentar el planeta. Informe del Worldwatch Institute”, Icaria Editorial, 2011, 357-372.
- Di Donato M., del Viso, N., Álvarez, S. “Impacto del cambio global en el Antropoceno: crisis, consecuencias y adaptación”. Póster presentado en la IX edición del Congreso Nacional del Medio Ambiente, 1-5 Diciembre 2008, Madrid.
- Di Donato, M., Pagliani T. “Valutazione economica-ecologica della Provincia di Chieti attraverso la metodologia della sintesi emergetica”. In: Biologi Italiani, Rubrica di Ecodinamica, 2:1-9, 2008.
- Lomas, P.L., Di Donato, M., Ulgiati, S. “La Síntesis Emergética: una valoración de los ecosistemas con base termodinámica”. En: Revista Ecosistemas 2007/3.
- Di Donato, M., Galli A., Pulselli F. M., “The emergy synthesis for the Province of Pescara and strategic choices for a sustainable development” , (Eds.) Mander U., Brebbia C. A., Tiezzi E., “ The Sustainable City IV: Urban regeneration and sustainability”, WIT Press, Southampton, U.K., 2006, pp. 499-508.
- Pulselli R. M., Di Donato, M., Tiezzi E., “From New Orleans to Venice. Causes and effects of climate change”. Abitare la Terra, 13: 8-16, Gangemi, Roma, 2006.