
Nathalie Wergles (Innsbruck, Austria, 1979).

Nathalie Wergles has graduated with a degree in Landscape Planning and Landscape Ecology from the Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (AT) and in Environmental Technology and International Affairs from the Vienna University of Technology and the Vienna Diplomatic Academy (AT).

For the past eight years, Nathalie has been working in the sphere of regional development and territorial cooperation, contributing to a Europe where borders become ever less important. Her project portfolio includes studies in the field of EU Structural and Investment Funds management and Interreg programme impact evaluations. Nathalie has advised and supported Interreg programmes on building cogent intervention logics and defining meaningful performance indicators. Moreover, she has worked as an advisor to the Regional Parliament of Castile and Leon, Spain, on the topic of rural depopulation and ageing. Currently, Nathalie is managing the Horizon 2020 research project “LOCOMOTION” on integrated assessment modelling for the University of Valladolid.

Besides, Nathalie works as freelancer specialising in cross-disciplinary research and consulting in programme design, programme evaluation and policy advising. As freelance consultant she works in collaboration with partner institutions across Europe on projects commissioned by EU-funded programmes, European institutions and regional authorities, and on research projects funded through EU research programmes.

Primary research focus and competence areas are:

  • Regional development and planning on topics pertaining to EU regional policy and the management of EU Structural and Investment Funds, also on regional development in a specific national context, e.g. on the issue of depopulation and ageing in rural Spain.
  • New forms of territorial governance such as soft territorial cooperation or integrated territorial strategies.
  • Evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of European regional development and territorial cooperation programmes. Her ambition is to make evaluation more meaningful by developing and applying innovative approaches such as territorial impact mapping, participatory action research, longitudinal studies, etc.
  • Energy and sustainable development, notably in the area of energy and environmental policy scenarios.

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