Óscar Carpintero

(Valladolid, 1972)

He holds a PhD in Economics (Extraordinary Award) and a degree in Economics and Business Administration (Extraordinary Award). He is a Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Valladolid and a Postgraduate in Natural Resources and Environmental Economics from the University of Alcalá. He has been a “visiting researcher” at Duke University (United States) and the University of Montreal (Canada). His lines of research focus on the field of ecological economics, metabolism and environmental sustainability of the Spanish economy (and the real estate-financial bubble), climate change, trade and the environment, and energy and systems dynamics. Over the past few years he has written more than fifty works, including books such as The Metabolism of the Spanish Economy: Natural Resources and Ecological Footprint (1955-2000) (Lanzarote, César Manrique Foundation, 2005), The Bioeconomy of Georgescu-Roegen (Barcelona, ​​Montesinos, 2006), and Between the Economy and Nature (Madrid, Los Libros de la Catarata, 1999). He has also published articles in international journals such as the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Environmental Science and Policy, Environmental Science and Technology, Ecological Indicators, Energy, or Research in Political Economy.

Academic publications



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