Yolanda Piedad Casado Ruiz

(Palencia, 1988)

Degree in Sociology (2011) and in Political Science and Administration (2011) from the University of Salamanca. Master’s Degree in Public Services and Social Policies (2012). PhD in Social Sciences, in the line of Sociological Analysis, by the University of Salamanca-CSIC, under the title “Mortality and urban hygiene in Madrid in the first third of the twentieth century” (2021).


She is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Work at the University of Valladolid. In 2021, she worked as Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Communication at the University of Salamanca and, in 2022, she worked as Medium Technician of Special Administration (interim civil servant) in the Economic Promotion and Employment Service of the Provincial Council of Palencia. From 2013 to 2019, she worked at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Firstly, with a pre-doctoral fellowship for Research Staff Training (FPI) and, subsequently, as contract staff in the Population Department of the Centre for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC.


Her training, especially in Sociology and Demography, has been oriented towards research on aspects of health and mortality in historical demography, with a special focus on childhood, life cycle and socio-economic differences.

Her main areas of interest are aspects related to urban sociology and historical demography.


Mail: yolandapiedad.casado@uva.es
Academic publications
  • (Pendiente de publicación). Casado Ruiz, Yolanda Piedad., Ordanovich, Dariya., Ramiro Fariñas, Diego (2024). La proximidad a focos de contaminación y mortalidad en la infancia en Madrid a principio del siglo XX. Una propuesta metodológica mediante el uso de fuentes geohistóricas. En Ecos modernos. Fuentes geohistóricas de los siglos XIX y XX. Colección fuentes geohistóricas. Ediciones Universidad de Cantabria.

  • Casado Ruiz, Yolanda Piedad (2024). The international handbook of social enterprise law: benefit corporations and other purpose-driven companies. De Henry Peter et al. CIRIEC-España, revista jurídica de economía social y cooperativa, (44), 411-421. https://saguntum.uv.es/index.php/juridicaciriec/article/view/27704

  •  Casado Ruiz, Yolanda Piedad (2023). La economía social y el desarrollo sostenible. De Susana Rodríguez y Henar Álvarez. CIRIEC-España, revista jurídica de economía social y cooperativa, (42), 433-440.I.S.S.N.: 1577-4430. https://ciriec-revistajuridica.es/revista/42/. https://ciriec-revistajuridica.es/wp-content/uploads/rece42-07.pdf.

  • Ramiro Fariñas, Diego., Garcia, Sara., Casado, Yolanda., Cilek, Laura., & Chowell, G. (2018). Age-specific excess mortality patterns and transmissibility during the 1889–1890 influenza pandemic in Madrid, Spain. Annals of epidemiology, 28(5), 267-272. DOI: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2017.12.009. ISSN: 1047-2797

  •  Casado Ruiz, Yolanda Piedad, Revuelta, Bárbara., Ramiro, Diego., & Mazzoni, S. (2021). ¿Medicalización de la maternidad?: Pacientes y usos de la Casa de maternidad de Madrid a principios del siglo XX. In Sociedad urbana y salud pública: España, 1860-1936 (pp. 112-131). Los Libros de la Catarata. EAN: 9788413522715 ISBN: 978-84-1352-271-5. https://www.catarata.org/libro/sociedad-urbana-y-salud-publica_125113/ 

  •  Casado Ruiz, Yolanda Piedad., & Ramiro Fariñas, Diego. (2018). La evolución de la mortalidad en la ciudad de Madrid en el primer tercio del siglo XX y su infraestructura de saneamiento. In La escuela y la despensa: indicadores de modernidad: España, 1900-1936 (pp. 183-217). Los Libros de la Catarata. EAN: 9788490975749 ISBN:978-84-9097-574-9. https://www.catarata.org/libro/la-escuela-y-la-despensa_88650/

  •  Laura Cilek, Beatriz Echeverri Davila, Gerardo Chowell, Diego Ramiro Fariñas, Yolanda Casado Ruiz (2018). The Spanish Influenza in Madrid: Neighborhood variation in excess mortality across three waves. Documento técnico. ALAP. https://old.alapop.org/Congreso2018/PDF/00455m.pdf

  • Ramiro Fariñas, Diego., Casado Ruiz, Yolanda., García Ferrero, Sara and Gerardo Chowell (2016). The transmissibility of influenza pandemics. The case of 1889-1890 and 1918-1920 in a large urban environment: a spatial analysis of Madrid, Spain, by borough and district. Documento técnico. EPC. https://epc2016.eaps.nl/papers/161186 

  •  Castillo Belmonte, Ana Belén y Casado Ruiz, Yolanda (2015). Pirámides de población con R. Castillo Belmonte, A.B.; Casado Ruiz, Y. Pirámides de población con R. Blog Envejecimiento [en-red], 18 de febrero, 2015. ISSN 2387-1512. https://envejecimientoenred.wordpress.com/2015/02/18/piramides-de-poblacion-con-r/

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