Selection of research publications
- Chiriacò, M. V., Dămătîrcă, C., Abd Alla, S., Barilari, S., Biancardi Aleu, R., Brazzini, T., Capela Lourenço, T., de Carolis Villars, C. A., Durand, S., Di Lallo, G., Encarnação Coelho, R., Espin, O., Ferreras-Alonso, N., Galluccio, G., Ganszky, D., Hellsten, S., Hernández-Moral, G., Ihrfors, J., Keramitsoglou, I., Kiranoudis, C. T., Nemethy, A., Oakes, R., Ortuño Castillo, J., Pastor, A. V., Pérez-Ramirez, P., Ramos-Diez, I., Sismanidis, P., Trozzo, C., & De Notaris, C. 2025. A catalogue of land-based adaptation and mitigation solutions to tackle climate change. Scientific Data, 12, Article 44.
- Álvarez-Antelo, D., López-Muñoz, P., Llases, L., Lauer, A. 2025. Towards a sustainable mobility lifestyle: Exploring the flight to rail shift through model-based behavioural change scenarios. Ecological Economics, Volume 230, April 2025, 108498.
- Lauer, A., Capellán-Pérez, I., Wergles, N. 2024. A comparative review of de- and post-growth modeling studies. Ecological Economics, Volume 227 (January 1st, 2025): 108383.
- Álvarez-Antelo, D., Lauer, A., Capellán-Pérez, I. Exploring the potential of a novel passenger transport model to study the decarbonisation of the transport sector. Energy, 3 de julio de 2024, 132313.
- García-García, P., Carpintero, Ó., Buendía, L. 2024. Just transitions to renewables in mining areas: Local system dynamics. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume 189, Part A, January 2024, 113934.
- Ferreras-Alonso, N., Capellán-Pérez, Í., Adam, A., de Blas, I., Mediavilla, M. «Mitigation of land-related impacts of solar deployment in the European Union through land planning policies». Energy, 12 de mayo de 2024, 131617.
- Parrado-Hernando, G., Frechoso-Escudero, F., Miguel González, L. J., Method to Model the Hourly Variability of Renewable Energy Sources in Integrated Assessment Models, J.sustain. dev. energy water environ. syst., 12(1), 1110481, 2024, DOI:
- Parrado-Hernando, G., Herc, L., Feijoo, F., Capellán-Pérez, I. Capturing features of hourly-resolution energy models in an integrated assessment model: An application to the EU27 region, Energy, Volume 304, 2024, 131903, ISSN 0360-5442,
- Nieto, J., Brockway, P. E., Sakai, M., & Barrett, J. (2024). Assessing the energy and socio-macroeconomic impacts of the EV transition: A UK case study 2020–2050. Applied Energy, 370, 123367.
- Brazzini, T., Lorenzo-Saez, E., Sales Martínez, V., López Pérez, E., Ortega-Reig, M., & Palau-Salvador, G. 2024. Is small-scale hydropower energy recovery a viable alternative for climate change mitigation and adaptation? The case of the traditional irrigation system in Valencia (Spain). Energy Reports, 12, 736–749.
- Papagianni, S., Capellán-Pérez, I., Adam, A., Pastor, A. Review and meta-analysis of Energy Return on Investment and environmental indicators of biofuels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volumen 203. October 2024.
- Carpintero, Ó., Nieto, J., 2023. Economy as an open system, en Padilla Rosa, Emilio; Ramos-Martín, Jesús (eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Ecological Economics, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA. USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 151-156.
- Carpintero, Ó., Nieto, J., 2023. Spaceship Earth, en Padilla Rosa, Emilio; Ramos-Martín, Jesús (eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Ecological Economics, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA. USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 482-486.
- Carpintero, Ó., Frechoso, F., 2023. Energía, sostenibilidad y transición: nuevos desafíos y problemas pendientes. Arbor, 199(807), a687.
- de Castro, C., 2023. Límites y potenciales tecnosostenibles de la energía: una mirada heterodoxa y sistémica. Arbor, 199(807), a690.
- Iñigo Capellan-Perez, Carlos de Castro, 2022. Review and Assessment of Sustainable Limits to the Global Solar Electric Potential, in Solar Co-generation of Electricity and Water, Large Scale Photovoltaic Systems, [Eds. UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Committee], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Paris, France,
- Carpintero, Ó., 2022. Las contribuciones de Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen al pensamiento económico del siglo XX. en: L. Arenas, J.M. Naredo y J. Riechmann (eds.), (2022): Bioeconomía para el siglo XXI. Madrid: Los libros de la Catarata-FUHEM ecosocial, pp. 29-42.
- Carpintero, Ó., Nieto, J., 2022. Transición energética y escenarios postcrecimiento. Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global, pp. 93-106 (
- Nieto, J., Moyano, P. B., Moyano, D., & Miguel, L. J. (2022). Is energy intensity a driver of structural change? Empirical evidence from the global economy. Journal of Industrial Ecology, n/a(n/a).
- Pulido Sánchez, D., Capellán-Pérez, I., De Castro, C., Frechoso, F. 2022. Material and energy requirements of transport electrification. Energy & Environmental Science 2022.
- Huard, D., Fyke, J., Capellán-Pérez, I., Matthews, H.D., Partanen, A.-I., n.d. Estimating the likelihood of GHG concentration scenarios from probabilistic Integrated Assessment Model simulations. Earth’s Future n/a, e2022EF002715. (open-access)
- Iñigo Capellán-Pérez; Carlos de Castro. Transición a energías renovables y demanda de minerales. Minería y extractivismos. Granada, (España): Editorial Universida de Granada, 2022. Available on-line at: <>. ISBN 9788433869258.
- Parrado Hernando, G., Pfeifer, A., Frechoso, F., Miguel González, L. J., Neven, D. 2022. A novel approach to represent the energy system in integrated assessment models. Energy 2022, Volume 258, 124743.
- Parrado Hernando, G., Herc, L., Pfeifer, A., Capellán Pérez, I., Batas Bjelić, I., Neven, D., Frechoso, F., Miguel González, L. J., Gjorgievski Vladimir, Z. 2022. Capturing features of hourly-resolution energy models through statistical annual indicators. Renewable Energy 2022, RENE 17397.
- Espinoza, V. S., Fontalvo, J., Martí Herrero, J., Mediavilla, M., Miguel González, L. J. 2022. Analysis of energy future pathways for Ecuador facing the prospects of oil availability using a system dynamics model. Is degrowth inevitable? Energy 2022, Volume 259, 124963.
- De Castro, C., McShea, Daniel W., 2022. Applying the Prigogine view of dissipative systems to the major transitions in evolution. 2022. Paleobiology. First View, pp. 1 – 18, (Material suplementario disponible aquí)
- Di Donato, M., Carpintero, Ó., 2021. Household Food Metabolism: Losses, Waste and Environmental Pressures of Food Consumption at the Regional Level in Spain. Foods, 10, 1166.
- Manzanera – Benito, G., Capellán-Pérez, I., 2021. Mapping the Energy Flows and GHG Emissions of a Medium-Size City: The Case of Valladolid (Spain). Sustainability 2021, 13 (23), 13181.
- Nieto, J., Pollitt, H., Brockway, P. E., Clements, L., Sakai, M., Barrett, J., 2021. Socio-macroeconomic impacts of implementing different post-Brexit UK energy reduction targets to 2030. Energy Policy, Vol. 158, 112556.
- Cazcarro, I., García-Gusano, D., Iribarren, D., Linares, P., Romero, J. C., Arocena, P., Arto, I., Banacloche, S., Lechón, Y., Miguel, L.J., Zafrilla, J., López, L., Langarita R., Cadarso, M., 2021. Energy-socio-economic-environmental modelling for the EU energy and post-COVID-19 transitions. Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 805, 150329.
- De Blas, I., Miguel, L.J., De Castro, C., 2020. Modelos de evaluación integrada (IAMs) aplicados al cambio climático y la transición energética. 2021. DYNA, Vol. 96, pp. 316 – 321.
- Parrado Hernando, G., Frechoso, F., Miguel L.J., 2021. Análisis de la energía renovable variable en el sistema eléctrico español basado en distribuciones probabilísticas de núcleo. 2020. DYNA, Vol. 96, pp. 179 – 185.
- Pulido Sánchez, D., Capellán-Pérez, I., Mediavilla, M., De Castro, C., Frechoso, F., 2021. Análisis de los requerimientos de materiales de la movilidad eléctrica mundial. DYNA, 2020. DYNA, Vol. 96, pp. 207 – 213.
- Capellán-Pérez, I., De Blas, I., Nieto, J., Mediavilla, M., De Castro, C., Carpintero, Ó., Lobejón, L.F., Álvarez, D., Ferreras, N., Parrado, G., Frechoso, F., Duce, C., Miguel, L.J., 2021. Modelo MEDEAS. Papeles de Energía, Nº12 (febrero 2021). pp. 39 – 45. (PDF en castellano)
- Van de Ven, D.-J., Capellán-Pérez, I., Arto, I., Cazcarro, I., De Castro, C., Patel, P., González-Eguino, M., 2021. The potential land use requirements and related land use change emissions of solar energy. Scientific Reports. Vol. 11, Article number: 2907.
- Nikas A., Gambhir E., Trutnevyte E., Koasidis K., Lund H., Thellufsen J.Z., Mayer D., Zachmann G., Miguel L.J., Ferreras-Alonso N., Sognnaes I., Peters G.P., Colombo E., Howells M., Hawkes A., van den Broek M., Van de Ven D.J., Gonzalez-Eguino M., Flamos A., Doukas H., 2020. Perspective of comprehensive and comprehensible multi-model energy and climate science in Europe. Energy 2021, Volume 215, Part A, 119153.
- Enríquez, J.M., Miguel, L.J., Duce, C. (Editores) 2020. Repensar la sostenibilidad. UNED 2020.
- Samsó, R., De Blas, I., Perissi, I., Martelloni, G., Solé, J. 2020. Scenario analysis and sensitivity exploration of the MEDEAS Europe energy-economy-environment model. Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 32, 100582.
- Arroyo M., F.R., Miguel, L.J., 2020. The Role of Renewable Energies for the Sustainable Energy Governance and Environmental Policies for the Mitigation of Climate Change in Ecuador, Energies 2020, 13(15), 3883;
- Arroyo M., F.R., Miguel, L.J., 2020. Low-Carbon Energy Governance: Scenarios to Accelerate the Change in the Energy Matrix in Ecuador. Energies 2020, 13(18), 4731; (Special Issue Energy Transition and Environmental Sustainability)
- Arroyo M., F.R., Miguel, L.J., 2020. The Trends of the Energy Intensity and CO2 Emissions Related to Final Energy Consumption in Ecuador: Scenarios of National and Worldwide Strategies. Sustainability 2020, 12(1), 20;
- De Blas, I., Mediavilla, M., Capellán-Pérez, Í.,Duce, C., 2020. The limits of transport decarbonization under the current growth paradigm. Energy Strategy Reviews, 32, 100543. (open access)
- Nieto, J., Carpintero, Ó., Lobejón, L.F., Miguel, L.J., 2020. An ecological macroeconomics model: The energy transition in the EU. Energy Policy, 145, 111726.
- Solé, J., Samsó, R., García-Ladona, E., García-Olivares, A., Ballabrera-Poy, J., Madurell, T., Turiel, A., Osychenko, O., Álvarez, D., Bardi, U., Baumann, M., Buchmann, K., Capellán-Pérez, Í., Černý, M., Carpintero, Ó., De Blas, I., De Castro, C., De Lathouwer, J-D., Duce, C., Eggler, L., Enríquez, J.M., Falsini, S., Feng, K., Ferreras, N., Frechoso, F., Hubacek, K., Jones, A., Kaclíková, R. Kerschner, C., Kimmich, C., Lobejón, L.F., Lomas, P.L., Martelloni, G., Mediavilla, M., Miguel, L.J., Natalini, D., Nieto, J., Nikolaev, A., Parrado, G., Papagianni, S., Perissi, I., Ploiner, C., Radulov, L., Rodrigo, P., Sun, L., Theofilidi, M., 2020. Modelling the renewable transition: Scenarios and pathways for a decarbonized future using pymedeas, a new open-source energy systems model. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 132, 110105. (open access)
García-García, P., Carpintero, Ó., & Buendía, L., 2020. Just energy transitions to low carbon economies: A review of the concept and its effects on labour and income. Energy Research & Social Science, 70, 101664.
- Castro, C. de, Capellán-Pérez, I., 2020. Standard, Point of Use, and Extended Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROI) from Comprehensive Material Requirements of Present Global Wind, Solar, and Hydro Power Technologies. Energies. (open access)
- Capellán-Pérez, I., Blas, I. de, Nieto, J., Castro, C. de, Miguel, L.J., Carpintero, Ó., Mediavilla, M., Lobejón, L.F., Ferreras-Alonso, N., Rodrigo, P., Frechoso, F., Álvarez-Antelo, D., 2020. MEDEAS: a new modeling framework integrating global biophysical and socioeconomic constraints. Energy Environmental Science.
C9EE02627D - I. Capellán-Pérez, N. Johanisova, J. Young, C. Kunze. 2020. Is community energy really non-existent in post-socialist Europe? Examining recent trends in 16 countries. Energy Research & Social Science 61, 101348. (PDF AAM en inglés)
- J. Nieto, O. Carpintero, L.J. Miguel, I. de Blas. 2019. Macroeconomic modelling under energy constraints: Global low carbon transition scenarios. Energy Policy, article in press. Free available as pre-print text: Macro modelling under energy constraints_Preprint
- I. de Blas, L.J. Miguel, I. Capellán-Pérez. 2019. Modelling of sectoral energy demand through energy intensities in MEDEAS integrated assessment model. Energy Strategy Reviews 26, 100419. Free available in UVaDOCs:
- I. Capellán-Pérez, C. de Castro, L.J. Miguel González. 2019. Dynamic Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROI) and material requirements in scenarios of global transition to renewable energies. Energy Strategy Reviews 26, 100399 (open access).
- I. Capellán-Pérez, D. Álvarez-Antelo , Luis J. Miguel. 2019. Global Sustainability Crossroads: A Participatory Simulation Game to Educate in the Energy and Sustainability Challenges of the 21st Century. Sustainability,11 (13), 3672. (PDF AAM en castellano)
- Sebastián Espinoza, S., J. Fontalvo, J. Marí-Herrero, P. Ramírez, I. Capellán-Pérez. 2019. Future oil extraction in Ecuador using a Hubbert approach. Energy, In Press.
- Santos-Martín, F., B. González García-Mon., J. A. González., I.Iniesta-Arandia, M. García-Llorente C. Montes, F. Ravera, C. A. López-Santiago, Ó. Carpintero, J. Benayas, y Berta Martín-López. 2019. Identifying past social-ecological thresholds to understand long-term temporal dynamics in Spain. Ecology and Society. 24(2):10.
- Nieto, J., Ó. Carpintero and L. J. de Miguel. 2018. “Less than 2 °C? An Economic-Environmental Evaluation of the Paris Agreement”. Ecological Economics, 146, pp. 69-84.
- Capellán-Pérez, I., Á. Campos-Celador and J. Terés-Zubiaga. 2018. “Renewable Energy Cooperatives as an Instrument towards the Energy Transition in Spain.” Energy Policy 123 (2018): 215–29. (PDF AAM in English; PDF AAM in Spanish)
Castro, Carlos de, and Iñigo Capellán-Pérez. 2018. “Concentrated Solar Power: Actual Performance and Foreseeable Future in High Penetration Scenarios of Renewable Energies.” BioPhysical Economics and Resource Quality 3, no. 3 (August 27, 2018): 14. (PDF AAM in English)
Carpintero, O., P. L. Lomas. 2018. “Metabolismo y Huella Ecológica de la alimentación: el caso de Valladolid (Diagnóstico para la Estrategia Alimentaria Local)”. Grupo de Investigación Energía, Economía y Dinámica de Sistemas (GEEDS), Universidad de Valladolid.
- Kerschner, C., and I. Capellán-Pérez. 2017. “Peak-Oil and Ecological Economics”. Routdlege Handbook of Ecological Economics: Nature and Society, edited by Clive L. Spash, Routledge. Abingdon, 2017.
- González-Eguino, M., M. B. Neumann, I. Arto, I. Capellán-Pérez, and S. H. Faria. 2017. “Mitigation Implications of an Ice-Free Summer in the Arctic Ocean.” Earth’s Future. doi:10.1002/2016EF000429.
- Bueno, G., D. Hoyos, and I. Capellán-Pérez. 2017. “Evaluating the Environmental Performance of the High Speed Rail Project in the Basque Country, Spain.” Research in Transportation Economics. (In Press) doi:10.1016/j.retrec.2017.02.004. (AAM in PDF)
- Capellán-Pérez, I., C. de Castro and I. Arto. 2017. “Assessing vulnerabilities and limits in the transition to renewable energies: Land requirements under 100% solar energy scenarios”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. In Press. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2017.03.137 (AAM in PDF).
- Arto, I. , I. Capellán-Pérez, R. Lago, G. Bueno, and R. Bermejo. 2016. “The Energy Requirements of a Developed World.” Energy for Sustainable Development 33 (August 2016): 1–13. doi:10.1016/j.esd.2016.04.001.
- Capellán-Pérez, I., I. Arto, J. M. Polanco-Martínez, M. González-Eguino, and M. B. Neumann. 2016. “Likelihood of Climate Change Pathways under Uncertainty on Fossil Fuel Resource Availability.” Energy & Environmental Science 9, no. 8 (August 2, 2016): 2482–96. doi:10.1039/C6EE01008C.
- Carpintero, O., I. Murray and J. Bellver. 2016: “The New Scramble for Africa: BRICS Strategies in a Multipolar World“, Research in Political Economy, vol. 30B, pp. 191-226.
- González-Eguino, M., I. Capellán-Pérez, I. Arto, A. Ansuategi, and A. Markandya. 2016. “Industrial and Terrestrial Carbon Leakage under Climate Policy Fragmentation.” Climate Policy 0, no. 0 (November 29, 2016): 1–22. doi:10.1080/14693062.2016.1227955.
- Capellán-Pérez, I., y C. de Castro. 2015. “Cambio Climático, Modelos e IPCC.”. El Ecologista, no. 84 (2015): 18–20.
- Capellán-Pérez, I., M. Mediavilla, C. de Castro, O. Carpintero and L. J. de Miguel. 2015. “More Growth? An Unfeasible Option to Overcome Critical Energy Constraints and Climate Change.” Sustainability Science, April 25, 2015, 1–15. doi:10.1007/s11625-015-0299-3. (Accepted Author Manuscript available here).
- Regueiro-Ferreira, R.M., and X.R. Doldán García. 2015. “Comparing Wind Development Policies in Europe, Asia and America”. Energy & Environment. 26 – 3, 319 – 333
- Donato, M., P.L. Lomas and O. Carpintero. 2015:”Metabolism and environmental impacts of household consumption: A review on the assessment, methodology and drivers”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19, pp. 904-916.
- Calvo, G., A. Valero, and O. Carpintero. 2015: “An exergoecological analysis of the mineral economy in Spain”, Energy, 15, pp. 2-8.
- Sastre, S., O. Carpintero and P. L. Lomas. 2015: “Regional Material Flow Accounting and environmental pressures: the Spanish case”, Environmental Science and Technology, 49 (4), pp. 2262-2269.
- Capellán-Pérez, I., M. Mediavilla, C. de Castro, Ó. Carpintero, and L. J. de Miguel. 2014. “Fossil Fuel Depletion and Socio-Economic Scenarios: An Integrated Approach.” Energy 77: 641–66. doi:10.1016/ (Accepted Author Manuscript available for download here).
- Castro, C., Ó. Carpintero, F. Frechoso, M. Mediavilla, and L. J. de Miguel. 2014. “A Top-down Approach to Assess Physical and Ecological Limits of Biofuels.” Energy 64 (Enero 2014): 506–12. doi:10.1016/
- Valero, A., O. Carpintero, A. Valero y G. Calvo. 2014: “How to account for mineral depletion. The exergy and economic mineral balance of Spain as a case study”, Ecological Indicators, 46, pp. 548-559.
- Agotamiento de combustibles fósiles y escenarios socio-económicos (borrador en español)
- Descripción del modelo WoLiM (World Limts Model) (español).
- Castro, C., M. Mediavilla, L. J. de Miguel, F. Frechoso. 2013. “Global solar electric potential: A review of their technical and sustainable limits”.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 28(2013), 824-835.
- Castro, Carlos. 2013. “En defensa de una teoría Gaia Orgánica”. Ecosistemas 22(2):113-118, mayo-agosto 2013 (la idea que inspiró los artículos sobre los límites de las renovables)
- Mediavilla, M., C. de Castro, I. Capellán, L. J. de Miguel, I. Arto, F. Frechoso. 2013. “The Transition toward renewable energies: physical limits and temporal conditions”. Energy Policy, vol 52, enero 2013, páginas 297-311. (Accepted Author Manuscript available for download here)
- Mediavilla, M., C. de Castro, I. Capellán, L. J. Miguel, I. Arto y F. Frechoso. 2013. “La transición hacia energías renovables:límites físicos y temporales”. (borrador del artículo publicado en Energy Policy, vol 52, enero 2013)
- Carpintero, Oscar. 2013: “When Heterodoxy becomes Orthodoxy: Ecological Economics in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics”, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, vol. 72, nº 5, pp. 1287-1314.
- Tapia, J. A., and O. Carpintero. 2013. “Economic aspects of climate change”, Journal of Crop Improvement, 27: 6, pp. 693-734.
- Movilla, S., L. J. de Miguel and L. F. Blázquez. 2013. “A system dynamics approach for the photovoltaic energy market in Spain”. Energy Policy 60 (2013): 142-154. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.04.072.
- Regueiro-Ferreira, R. M., and X. R. Doldán García. 2013. “The Wind Employment in Spain(1995-2010): A Theoretical Approximation Applied to the Region of Galicia”. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. 3 – 1: 75 – 86.
Tapia, J. A., E.L Ionides, and O. Carpintero. 2012. “Climate change and the world economy: short-run determinants of atmosfpheric CO2”, Environmental Science and Policy 21, pp. 50-62.
García, I., and L. J. de Miguel. 2012. “Is the electric vehicle an attractive option for customers?” Energies 5.1 (2012): 71-91. doi: 10.3390/en5010071.
Villa, L. F., A. Reñones, J. R. Perán and L. J. de Miguel. 2012. “Statistical fault diagnosis based on vibration analysis for gear test-bench under non-stationary conditions of speed and load.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 29 (2012): 436-446. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2011.12.013.
- Castro, C., M. Mediavilla, L. J. de Miguel, and F. Frechoso. 2011. “Global Wind Power Potential: Physical and Technological Limits.” Energy Policy 39, no. 10 (October 2011): 6677–82. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2011.06.027.
- Castro, C., M. Mediavilla, L. J. de Miguel, and F. Frechoso. 2011. Analysis of the energetic transition: the electric car. 9th International Conference of the Internationa Society of Ecological Economics, Estambul, 14-7 junio 2011.
- Castro, C., M. Mediavilla, L. J. de Miguel, and F. Frechoso. 2011. “Global Wind limit” (draft). 2011. “Global Wind Power Potential: Physical and technological limits” (published draft in Energy Policy. 39(10), 6677-6682)
- Castro, C., M. Mediavilla, L. J. de Miguel, and F. Frechoso. 2011. “Global solar limit” (draft). “Global solar electric power potential: technical and ecological limits” (published draft in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 28(2013), 824-835 )
- Castro, Carlos. 2009. Tesis doctoral: “Escenarios de energía-economía mundiales con modelos de dinámica de sistemas” . UVa.
- Castro, C., L. J. de Miguel, and M. Mediavilla. 2009. “The Role of Non Conventional Oil in the Attenuation of Peak Oil.” Energy Policy 37, no. 5 (May 2009): 1825–33. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2009.01.022.
- Castro, C., L. J. de Miguel y M. Mediavilla. 2009. Non conventional oil (draft). “The role of non-conventional oil in the attenuation of peak oil” (published draft in Energy Policy. 37(5), 1825-1833).
- “ASPO VII“. Presentación en la VII Conferencia Internacional de ASPO (Barcelona, 20-21 octubre 2008)
- Mediavilla Pascual, Margarita. 2008. “Simulación energética ¿es posible la transición de una economía fósil a una renovable?”. 2008.
Mediavilla, M., L. J. de Miguel and C. de Castro. 2008. “From fossil fuels to renewable energies”. 26th International Systems Dynamics Conference, Atenas, Grecia, 20-24 junio 2008.