Research Projects
2023 – 2027


The HYDRA (HYDrogen economy benefits and Risks: tools development and policies implementation to mitigate possible climAte impacts) project aims to better understand the climatic and systemic impacts of the large scale use of hydrogen globally.

Official website: PROJECT HYDRA.

2024 – 2028


Pathways to(wards) carbon neutrality for climate, environment, health and socio-economic co-benefits (PANTHEON) offers a participatory integrated modelling approach, developed via an iterative, co-learning process among researchers, private and public stakeholders, to assess how different mature and future (TRL4) technologies in crucial economic and energy sectors can be morphed into successful (economically, socially and environmentally sustainable), joint decarbonisation pathways.

Official website: PROJECT PANTHEON.

2022 – 2026


The ONEPlanET project aims to develop a common Nexus modelling framework to simulate and evaluate pathways to define a more sustainable future in Africa through the deployment of renewable energy infrastructure. In this way, it will be possible to stimulate a green energy transition in the continent as well as a decarbonization of existing energy plants
2022 – 2024


SPANDAM is a project financed by the EU through the Investigation State Agency, whose objective is to develop a simulation tool (small scale prototype) that can guide decision-making and public policies aiming to achieve a balanced and sustainable demographic, socioeconomic and environmental development in areas affected by depopulation.

The official web of the project is

2021 – 2025


The main objective of RethinkAction is to engage citizens and decision-makers to participate in the energy transition and actively support climate adaptation and mitigation. The focus is on land use as a key driver, even critical, to sustain life and to reach climate objectives and SDGs in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The official web of the project is

2022 – 2026


The final objective of the NEVERMORE project is the better understanding of the different interactions between the adaptation and mitigation policies of climate change to provide with public policy options in the direction of a carbon neutral and resilient society.

The official web of the project is

2022 – 2025


The overall objective of the IAM COMPACT Project is to pay more attention to the social aspects of the climate and energy transition: especially to directly take into account lifestyle changes and individual choices as well as to integrate climate action as an aspect of overall sustainability.
2019 – 2023


The overall objective of LOCOMOTION is to enhance existing Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) in order to provide policy makers and relevant stakeholders with a reliable and practical model system to assess the feasibility, effectiveness, costs and impacts of different sustainability policy options, and to identify the most effective transition pathways towards a low-carbon society.

The official web of the project is:

2016 – 2020


The transition to a low-carbon economy must achieve multiple objectives: competitiveness, environmental protection, quality job creation and social welfare. Therefore, policy makers and other key stakeholders require tools that must focus beyond the energy sector to include these other economic, social and environmental domains. MEDEAS aims to solve the current needs for integration and transparency by developing a state-of-the-art policy modeling tool based on WoLiM, TIMES and LEAP models and incorporating Input-Output Analysis, which allows accounting for environmental, social and economic impacts.
2017 – 2021


Modeling and simulation of energy transition scenarios towards a low-carbon economy: the Spanish case.

Encouraged by the recommendations of the IPCC in its successive reports, several international organizations have called for countries to initiate a serious energy transition path towards a low carbon economy by 2050. The project aims to analyze these challenges through the design and development of an integrated energy-economy-climate change simulation and evaluation model that will allow the assessment of Spain’s energy transition towards a low carbon economy (Low-Carbon Economy) in the 2030-2050 horizon.

World Crossroads: fun eco-tools for the energy transition
This project will have as actions the realization of different dissemination and popularization materials on the climate problem and the transition towards sustainable societies, for which a team of more than thirty specialists from areas as diverse as Engineering, Computer Science, Pedagogy, Earth Sciences, History, Sociology, Economics, Philosophy, Journalism and audiovisual communication has been constituted, joining efforts in a project that is intended to be transdisciplinary in order to contribute to the awareness of civil society on the importance and importance of climate change, History, Sociology, Economics, Philosophy, Journalism and audiovisual communication, joining efforts in a project that is intended to be transdisciplinary in order to contribute to the awareness of civil society on the importance and complexity of the political decision-making processes on the transition towards sustainable societies.
Red Temática de Modelizacion Energética para una Transición Energética Sostenible (MENTES NETWORK)
The objectives of the network are to bring together national research groups that, from different angles and methodological approaches, work in energy modeling in order to: exploit synergies and complementarities, align priorities that adapt and respond to the needs and challenges posed by the energy transition, constitute a reference group at national and international level in energy modeling that can support agents in decision making, promote capacity building in the field of the network, participate jointly in R&D&I projects and transmit the results to society.
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2010 – 2012
Energy-economy-climate change IAM for Spain
The objective of this project is to develop a simulation model of the energy-economy-climate change system based on system dynamics for the Spanish state, which allows the analysis of different energy policy, economic and technological scenarios. The basic structure of the model is based on the extraction curves of non-renewable energy resources (according to studies on peak oil and other depletion profiles) and on the implementation rates of different types of renewable energies and saving technologies. The final result of the project should be a simulation model that allows to analyze the impact of different policies on the Spanish energy supply and the impact that the depletion of fossil fuels may have on the economy.
2019 – 2023
GHG emissions inventory in the city of Valladolid
This project aims to analyze the final energy consumption of the municipality of Valladolid and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. As a starting point, the inventories carried out by the Valladolid City Council itself between 2010 and 2019 will be taken and the contribution to the city’s greenhouse effect will be analyzed by sectors (transport, industry, buildings, city hall, etc.) and fuel types in order to contribute to the development of municipal policies for the transition to a sustainable energy system.
2018 – 2019
Climate change and energy
The research will consist of a prospective analysis of the territorial implications of the expansion of renewable energies at the European level. Firstly, applying input-output methodology, the demand for electricity and final energy for a number of countries will be evaluated from the territorial and consumption point of view (i.e. energy footprint). Secondly, theoretical models will be applied in order to assess the potential land needs – as well as their main characteristics, e.g. irradiance, productivity, etc. – that a 100% renewable energy based system would require for each country. Both static and dynamic (prospective) analyses are foreseen.
Agroalimentary metabolism and ecological footprint as indicators of urban sustainability
With the theoretical background and research precedents developed by the PI of the project and his collaborators in the field of socioeconomic metabolism and ecological footprint (Carpintero, 2005; Carpintero, 2006; Carpintero, 2014; Sastre, Carpintero and Lomas, 2015; Di Donato, Lomas and Carpintero, 2015; Huerga, 2014), the aim is to perform a diagnosis on the agri-food metabolism and ecological footprint (water, carbon and territorial) of food consumption in Valladolid.
Analysis of the situation of ecological agriculture in the province of Valladolid
This research project is developed by the GIR in Energy, Economics and System Dynamics of the University of Valladolid for the Entretantos Foundation. The research consists of carrying out an exhaustive inventory of organic agriculture producers (farmers and operators) in the province of Valladolid, as well as consumer groups and specialized stores of organic products. This inventory must specify at least: identification of the producer or operator, age of the farm, area of the farm or facilities, crops or products and quantities produced and sold, main economic variables of the farm, and temporal evolution. In addition, interviews with producers and consumers and discussion groups will be carried out. Finally, an overall report of the work is prepared.
Gaming use in a learning environment based on teaching research of ecological economics (ABIGAME)
The objective of the ABIGAME project is to design and implement an innovative, motivating, autonomous, participative and cooperative learning procedure for the teaching of the annual course of ecological economics of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UPV/EHU (around 40 students per year). This proposal aims to apply an energy-economy-environment simulation model for the adaptation of a participatory simulation game as the backbone of a research-based learning process.
CYTED is the Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for Development, created by the governments of the Ibero-American countries to promote cooperation in science, technology and innovation for the harmonious development of Ibero-America. CYTED’s main objective is to contribute to the harmonious development of the Ibero-American region through cooperation mechanisms that seek scientific and technological results transferable to productive systems and social policies. The beneficiaries of CYTED’s financing instruments may be universities, R&D centers and innovative companies from member countries.

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