Our Blog
Participation in workshop “Advancing quantitative analysis for alternative sustainable futures” at ICTA-UAB
On June 28th and 29th several members of our group participated in the workshop "Advancing quantitative analysis for alternative sustainable futures" at the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia...
GEEDS joins the Scientific Charter against Denialism on the European Green Deal
Recently, the European Green Deal, embodied in the Sustainable Use Regulation (SUR) and the Nature Restoration Law (NRL) currently in the pipeline, has been attacked from a denialist and...
Interview with Carlos de Castro by “Sobrevivir al descalabro”
Some time ago our researcher Carlos de Castro gave un interesting interview to Sobrevivir al descalabro about Gaia theory. For the uninititated, Gaia hypothesis is created in the seventies by James...
Modelling of the Industrial Sector of Hydrogen for the Energy Transition
Source: Markusgann The energy transition to decarbonization is the process of progressively replacing the global energy system based on fossil fuels with a system based on energy sources which do...
Energy intensity as a determinant of the global economic structure and its implications for the energy transition
José Luis Sampedro provides a satisfactory definition of structure: “a set of elements and relations that characterize, with a certain degree of permanence, a reality” (Sampedro,1961). That is, to...
How to react to a new change in cosmology? An Interview with Carlos de Castro and Daniel W. McShea
Introduction and interview: Ramón del Buey Published in Spanish in the journal: Papeles nº158 https://www.fuhem.es/2022/08/26/papeles-158-malestares/ It is symptomatic that the French philosopher...
LOCOMOTION summer school
Our leading project, LOCOMOTION, is having a summer school organized in Dubrovnik, Croatia this September. The summer school will give initial training to pre-doctoral students (last year master...
Gaia could be a super-organism: a refutation of B. Latour and T. Lenton arguments on the contrary
This is a critique of B. Latour and T. Lenton paper: “Extending the domain of freedom, or why Gaia is so hard to understand” (Latour and Lenton 2019). The Editor of Critical Inquiry journal reject...
Reply to Fthenakis et al., (2022) (refused to be published by Energies, MDPI)
We are forced to published on our webpage a reply to a paper, Fthenakis et al (2022) [1], which responding to Seibert and Rees (2021) [2] unfoundedly criticizes our work de Castro et al 2020...