Paola López Muñoz
Graduated in Economics in 2019 and Master in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Teaching, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (specializing in Economics) in 2020. During her Master’s Thesis she developed teaching tools to apply the Sustainable Development Goals to the study of International Economics. She is currently a pre-doctoral researcher in the Energy, Economics and Systems Dynamics Group. Her current line of research is related to the measurement of the impacts of climate change on the economy through the development of sectoral damage functions.
- Álvarez-Antelo, D., López-Muñoz, P., Llases, L., Lauer, A. 2025. Towards a sustainable mobility lifestyle: Exploring the flight to rail shift through model-based behavioural change scenarios. Ecological Economics, Volume 230, April 2025, 108498. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2024.108498
- «How to measure the impact of climate change on the economy?». Available in: http://puntosdeencuentro.blogs.uva.es/2021/02/06/como-se-mide-el-impacto-del-cambio-climatico-en-la-economia/
- «The curse of oil in the Niger Delta». Available in: http://umoya.info/umoyaweb/Umoya_101_web.pdf