Contact: laura.bartolome <@>

Laura Bartolomé Quevedo, born in Valladolid in 2000, graduated in Electrical Engineering from the University of Valladolid (UVa). Currently, she is studying the Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering at UVa.

Since 2022 she has been working in the Group of Energy, Economy and System Dynamics at the University of Valladolid. Her lines of research are framed within European Projects such as LOCOMOTION (, where she developed her Final Degree Project on the estimation of climate damage functions on the economy ( and for which she received one of the Awards for the best TFG and TFM “Valladolid, smart and climate neutral city”. In this line of analysis of climate issues, she continues to contribute to the European NEVERMORE Project ( In addition, she is immersed in the development of an energy model within the European Project ONEPLANET ( whose results she expects to present in her Master’s Thesis.

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