Pedro L. Lomas
PhD in Ecology, Master in Ecology and Environment and Degree in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid. He is currently a researcher in the Energy, Economics and Dynamics of Systems Group (GEEDS) at the University of Valladolid and collaborates with the “Integrated Assessment: Sociology, Technology and the Environment (IASTE)” Group at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has been a visiting researcher at the Energy and Environment Unit of the University of Siena (Italy) and at the ICTA of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His work has focused on human-nature interaction and environmental sustainability, from Systems Ecology, Ecological Economics, Socio-Ecology and Environmental Accounting. He has advised various local, regional, national and international public bodies and institutions in the management and planning of ecologically based ecosystems, and has published dozens of papers on topics such as ecoregionalisation and ecosystem management, socio-economic metabolism and environmental accounting in international journals such as the Journal of Industrial Ecology, Ecological Economics, Environmental Science and Technology, Landscape and Urban Planning, Journal of Environmental Management and Ecological Modelling.
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pedro_Lomas
ResearchID: A-7549-2015
Academic publications
- Viteri Salazar, O., J. Ramos-Martín, y P.L. Lomas, (2018): “Livelihood sustainability assessment of coffee and cocoa producers in the Amazon region of Ecuador using household types”, Journal of Rural Studies, 62, pp. 1-9.
- Lomas, P. L. y M. Giampietro, (2017): “Environmental Accounting for ecosystem conservation: Linking Societal and Ecosystem Metabolisms”, Ecological Modelling, 346, pp. 10-19.
- Di Donato, M., P. L. Lomas y Ó. Carpintero (2015): ”Metabolism and environmental impacts of household consumption: A review on the assessment, methodology and drivers”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 19, pp. 904-916.
- Sastre, S., O. Carpintero y P.L. Lomas, (2015): “Regional Material Flow Accounting and environmental pressures: the Spanish case”, Environmental Science and Technology, 49 (4), pp. 2262-2269.
- Zorrilla Miras, P., I. Palomo, E. Gómez-Baggethun, B. Martín-López, P.L. Lomas, y C. Montes, (2014): “Effects of land-use change on wetland ecosystem services: A case study in the Doñana marshes (SW Spain)”, Landscape and Urban Planning, 122, pp. 160-174.
- Gómez-Bagghetun, E., R. De Groot, P. L. Lomas, y C. Montes, (2010): “The history of ecosystem services in economic theory and practice: from early notions to markets and payment schemes”, Ecological Economics, 69, pp. 1209-1218.
- Martín-López, B., E. Gómez-Bagghetun, P. L. Lomas, y C. Montes, (2009): “Scale effects on cultural services valuation in natural protected areas”, Journal of Environmental Management, 90: 1050-1059.
- Lomas, P.L., S. Álvarez, M. Rodríguez, y C. Montes, (2008): “Environmental accounting as a management tool in the Mediterranean context: the Spanish economy during the last 20 years”, Journal of Environmental Management, 88, pp. 326-347.
- Lomas, P.L. (2020). Las falsas soluciones y sus peligros para la sostenibilidad: el caso del ecomodernismo. Enríquez, J.M., Miguel, L.J., Duce, C. (Ed.) Repensar la sostenibilidad. (pp 131-146.) Madrid: UNED.
- Lomas, P.L., Ó. Carpintero, J. Ramos-Martín, J., y M. Giampietro, (2017): El granfalloon de la valoración de los servicios de los ecosistemas, Foro de Transiciones, Madrid.
- Lomas, P.L., Ó. Carpintero, y S. Sastre, (2015): El metabolismo socioeconómico de Castilla-La Mancha, 1996-2010. En: Carpintero, Ó., (Coord). El metabolismo económico regional español. Madrid, FUHEM.
- Sastre, S., Ó. Carpintero, P. L. Lomas, (2015): El metabolismo socioeconómico de Castilla y León, 1996-2010. En: Carpintero, Ó., (Coord). El metabolismo económico regional español. Madrid, FUHEM.
- Carpintero, Ó, S. Sastre, P.L. Lomas, (2015): Del todo a las partes: “una visión general del metabolismo de las Comunidades Autónomas”. En: Carpintero, Ó., (Coord). El metabolismo económico regional español. Madrid, FUHEM.
- Giampietro, M., y P.L. Lomas, (2014): The interface between societal and ecosystem metabolism, En: Giampietro, M., J.R. Aspinall, J. Ramos-Martín, y S.G.F. Bukkens, (Eds). Resource Accounting for Sustainability Assessment: The Nexus between Energy, Food, Water and Land Use. Routledge series ‘Explorations in Sustainability and Governance’. Routledge.
- Montes, C., J. Benayas, F. Santos Martín, F. Díaz Pineda, A. Gómez Sal, M. Aguado, B. Martín-López, J.A. González, C. López Santiago, P.L. Lomas, y otros 78 autores. (2011): Ecosistemas y biodiversidad para el bienestar humano. Evaluación de los ecosistemas del milenio de España. Síntesis de Resultados, Fundación Biodiversidad-Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino.