
Santiago Movilla Blanco, (Valladolid, 1981).

Santiago’s areas of expertise are in System Dynamics and Industrial Engineering. He has experience modeling the dynamics of malaria transmission, and supporting governments and civil stakeholders to translate the insights gained from this into better malaria management policy at the community and national level.

Santiago holds Masters degrees in System Dynamics and Industrial Electronics and Control Systems Engineering. He is currently manager of the malaria program at Millennium Institute, and PhD candidate at the University of Bergen (Norway), where he works as a lecturer for courses of the Master’s program in System Dynamics.


  • A System Dynamics Approach for the Photovoltaic Energy Market in Spain. Santiago Movilla, Luis J. Miguelb, L. Felipe Blázquez. Energy Policy. Volume 60, September 2013
  • Application of the Malaria Management Model to the Analysis of Costs and Benefits of DDT versus Non-DDT Malaria Control. Pedercini M, Movilla Blanco S, Kopainsky B (2011) PLoS ONE 6(11): e27771. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0027771
  • Book: Analysis of Photovoltaic Energy Market in Spain. A System Dynamics Approach for Policy Development. ISBN-13: 978-3847345725 ISBN-10: 3847345729

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