Tommaso Brazzini

Graduated in Physics from the University of Florence (Firenze, Italy). PhD in Electronic Systems from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM, Madrid, Spain), currently researcher at the University of Valladolid in systems dynamics in the GEEDS group. He has had experience in the development of a systemic methodology for eco-social transition in municipalities and local communities (LTT) within the global transition movement. He is a visiting professor at the Master in Ecological Humanities, Sustainability and Ecosocial Transition (MHESTE) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV, Valencia, Spain). During his career he has accumulated experience in topics of systemic thinking, resilience, eco-social transition, energy transition, renewable energies, semiconductor materials, permaculture, mentoring for transition, sociocracy 3.0.



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Academic publications

    • T. Brazzini, E. Lorenzo-Saez, V. Sales Martínez, E. López Pérez, M. Ortega-Reig, G. Palau-Salvador. Is small-scale hydropower energy recovery a viable alternative for climate change mitigation and adaptation? The case of the traditional irrigation system in Valencia (Spain). December 2024.
    • T. Gomez-Navarro, T. Brazzini, D. Alfonso-Solar, C. Vargas-Salgado, Analysis of the potential for PV rooftop prosumer production: technical, economic and environmental assessment for the city of Valencia (Spain), Renewable Energy 174, 372-381 (2021). DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2021.04.049 
    • P. Macedo, A. Huertas, C. Bottone, J. del Río, N. Hillary, T. Brazzini, J. M. Wittmayer and G. Penha-Lopes Learnings from Local Collaborative Transformations: Setting a Basis for a Sustainability Framework, Sustainability 12, 795 (2020)
    • T. Brazzini, M. A. Casbon, M. J. Uren, P. J. Tasker, H. Jung, H. Blanck, and M. Kuball Hot electron electroluminescence under RF operation in GaN-HEMTs: A comparison among operational classes, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64, 2155 (2017)
    • T. Brazzini, H. Sun, F. Sarti, J. W. Pomeroy, C. Hodges, A. Vinattieri, M. Gurioli, and M. Kuball Mechanism of hot electron electroluminescence in GaN-based transistors, Journal of physics D: Applied physics 49, 435101 (2016)
    • E. Alarcón-Lladó, T. Brazzini, and J. W. Ager Surface origin and control of resonance Raman scattering and surface band gap in indium nitride, Journal of physics D: Applied physics 49, 255102 (2016)
    • M.A. Casbon, T. Brazzini, P.J. Tasker, M.J. Uren, M. Kuball Simultaneous Measurement of Optical and RF Behavior under CW and Pulsed Fully Active Harmonic Load-Pull, 87th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG), 27th May 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, DOI: 10.1109/ARFTG.2016.7501954
    • T. Brazzini, M. A. Casbon, H. Sun, M. J. Uren, J. Lees, P. J. Tasker, H. Jung, H. Blanck, and M. Kuball Study of hot electrons in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs under RF Class B and Class J operation using electroluminescence, Microelectronics Reliability 55, 2493 (2015)
    • P. Yu. Bokov, T. Brazzini, M. F. Romero, F. Calle, M. Feneberg, R. Goldhahn Electroreflectance characterization of AlInGaN/GaN high-electron mobility heterostructures, Semiconductor Science and Technology 30, 085014 (2015)
    • T. Brazzini, M. A. Casbon, H. Sun, M. J. Uren, J. Lees, P. J. Tasker, H. Jung, H. Blanck, and M. Kuball Electroluminescence of hot electrons in AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors under RF operation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 213502 (2015)
    • G.R. Mutta, T. Brazzini, L. Méchin, J.-M. Routoure, B. Guillet, J.-L. Doualan, J. Grandal, M. C. Sabido Siller, F. Calle and P. Ruterana Influence of fabrication steps on optical and electrical properties of InN thin films, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 29, 095010 (2014)
    • T. Brazzini, S. Martin-Horcajo, M.F. Romero, Ž.Gacevic, F. Calle Analysis of InAl(Ga)N/GaN wet-etching by structural, morphological and electrical methods, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 29, 075003 (2014)
    • T. Brazzini, M.J. Tadjer, Ž.Gacevic, S. Pandey, A. Cavallini, F. Calle Structural and morphological studies on wet-etched InAlGaN barrier HEMT structures, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 28, 055007 (2013)
    •  T. Brazzini, S. Pandey, M. F. Romero, P. Yu. Bokov, M. Feneberg, G. Tabares, A. Cavallini, R. Goldhahn and F. Calle Impact of AlN Spacer on Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Pt-InAlGaN/GaN Heterostructures for Ultraviolet Detection, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52, 08JK04 (2013)
    •  T. Brazzini, A. Bengoechea-Encabo, M. A. Sánchez-García, F. Calle Investigation of AlInN barrier ISFET structures with GaN capping for pH detection, Sensors and Actuators B 176, 704-707 (2013)
    • S. Pandey, D. Cavalcoli, B. Fraboni, A. Cavallini, T. Brazzini, and F. Calle, Role of surface trap states on two-dimensional electron gas density in InAlN/AlN/GaN heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters 100, 152116 (2012)
    • A. Minj, D. Cavalcoli, S. Pandey, B. Fraboni, A. Cavallini, T. Brazzini and F. Calle, Nanocrack induced leakage current in AlInN/AlN/GaN, Scripta Materialia 66, 327-330 (2012)
    • G. R. Mutta, J. M. Routoure, B. Guillet, L. Méchin, J. Grandal, S. Martin-Horcajo, T. Brazzini, F. Calle, M. A. Sánchez-García, P. Marie, and P. Ruterana, Volume charge carrier number fluctuations probed by low frequency noise measurements in InN layers, Applied Physics Letters 98, 252104 (2011)

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