News about the influence of Europe on the Amazonas (EEB)
Good morning to all people who follow our activity through the blog, We repeat the following news, coming from the hand of the European Environmental Bureau, which quotes the project coordinated by GEEDS called LOCOMOTION, and the participation of Margarita Mediavilla...
The enrolment for the MOOC of MEDEAS is open!
Through this entry we announce, in case it might be of interest, that tomorrow, June 25, 2019, open the MOOC that is entitled “Simulation models for the design of transition paths towards a sustainable society”:...
Economists, please, invent something!
On June 9, the tribune of the Spanish newpaper El País opened the week with a curious article by John Gray, "Climate change and extinction of thought", which is a good example of how, even the most lucid people, can fall into the trap of tecnooptimistas solutions with...
Welcome Readers, we follow with the posts!
Good day and welcome to people who visit for first time our new webite of the Group of Energy, Economy and Dinamic Systems from the University of Valladolid. After 6 years inside our web https://geeds.es/, we have finished the process of Tras 6 años en nuestra...
Trump: camino del escenario 3
(Also published in Cassandra's Legacy) The victory of Donald Trump, as well as so many things that have been happening in recent years (the rise of the extreme right wing in Europe, the fall of Asian trade, the Brexit, the war in Syria and Yemen), shows that we are...
Crónica del curso sobre transporte. Tan importante, tan complicado.
Hace unas semanas pudimos empaparnos de todos los datos y reflexiones que trajeron nuestros ponentes del curso "Transporte sostenible, perspectivas y retos". Este año nos lanzamos a organizarlo sin el apoyo del programa UVa en curso y hemos notado un bajón...
Aprendiendo del Sur
In the Assembly of the City of Valladolid of December 14, 2011 a councilor of the municipal corporation made an unfortunate phrase, "From Maputo, honestly, I think we not have much to learn." A politician expressing this kind of opinion, in a public debate, it is very...
Esta no es sólo una crisis económica
En el Curso sobre los límites del crecimiento celebrado en la Universidad de Valladoli en el pasado mes de septiembre de 2011, después de escuchar a intelectuales como Carlos Taibo, Jorge Riechmann, Antonio Valero, Ernest García, Oscar Carpintero o Roberto Bermejo; la...
El 15M y la Tierra ¿miramos hacia abajo?
¿Por qué ha surgido con tanta fuerza el 15‐M? Debía de haber un resorte por ahí escondido en la sociedad española que ha estado durante años acumulando tensión, y finalmente, se ha liberado. ¿Qué era? quizá una cosa muy sencilla: que desde arriba...