The Energy, Economics and Systems Dynamics group (GEEDS) of the University of Valladolid is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join its team working on the European projects H2020 LOCOMOTION “Low-carbon society: an enhanced modeling tool for the transition to sustainability” (2019-2023) and Rethink Action (2021-2025).
The postdoctoral researcher will join a team of modelers from various areas (economy, demography, social, land use, climate, water, materials, energy, etc.) that is developing a new IAM (Integrated Assessment Model) within the project LOCOMOTION, which The Group of Energy, Economy and Systems Dynamics is coordinating.
Work plan:
- Leadership of research work subgroups and contribution to the model of the different submodules.
- Contribution to the scientific and technical coordination of the model and obtaining results with the 14 partners of the project.
- Responsibilities in deliverables of the mentioned projects.
- Scientific dissemination and publications in the areas described.
This is a full-time position in Valladolid (Spain), requiring 37,5 hours per week and shall be signed for the period of 12 months (extendible).
More details about the call, requirements and contiditions on the Euraxess web page.
The deadline for submitting applications is: September 12th, 2021 (10h).
All requests will be addressed to: gir.geeds@uva.es
Our lines of research focus on energy and the economy, as key factors of technology and life, and on Systems Dynamics, as the most appropriate tool to analyse the complex relations between the variables that influence sustainability and development, with a systemic vision.
One of our aims is to strengthen the link between university and society and therefore our interest lies in the dissemination of the results, contact with social organizations and the choice of research topics of interest to society.