HYDRA: HYDrogen economy benefits and Risks: tools development and policies implementation to mitigate possible climAte impacts

HORIZON-CL5-2023-D1-01-03 | Climate impacts of a hydrogen economy

Duration: 01/11/2023 – 31/10/2027

The HYDRA project aims to better understand the climatic and systemic impacts of the large scale use of hydrogen globally.

It plans to do this by projecting scenarios of hydrogen-based technologies to be used in the future accounting for systemic feedbacks to climate, economy, energy, materials, land-use and water. These scenarios will be informed by the policies being promoted by EU and global policymakers. The hydrogen sector will be incorporated to the WILIAM model transversally to all affected modules with the aim to capture the systemic socioeconomic, metabolic and resource impacts of the scenarios with high hydrogen. HYDRA will particularly look at the impact of potential hydrogen leaks and study how hydrogen is absorbed. HYDRA will set up a monitoring system with new tools to prevent hydrogen leaks, detecting different gases and ensuring safety along the entire hydrogen technology process. Links between WILIAM with different climate models will allow the effects of hydrogen leaks to be integrated into the IAM. The main goal is to analyze those scenarios and the overall impact of a hydrogen-based economy, identifying benefits, risks, and ways to mitigate identified problems.


BEWH (Coordinator, Belgium)

Warrant Hub S.p.A. (Italy)

CARTIF (Spain)

AUTOMA (Italy)

CNR (Italy)

POLITO (Italy)

CERTH (Greece)

Lancaster University (UK)

Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)

Principal researcher at GEEDS UVa: Íñigo Capellán Pérez


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