LOCOMOTION summer school

Our leading project, LOCOMOTION, is having a summer school organized in Dubrovnik, Croatia this September. The summer school will give initial training to pre-doctoral students (last year master students with the potential of starting a PhD) and PhD students, so that...

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GEEDS looking for a Postdoctoral researcher

The Energy, Economics and Systems Dynamics group (GEEDS) of the University of Valladolid is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join its team working on the European projects H2020 LOCOMOTION “Low-carbon society: an enhanced modeling tool for the transition to...

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How is the impact of climate change on the economy measured?

Although the economics of climate change is an area that has been developing for decades, there is still a latent debate regarding ‘how much’ and ‘in what way’ this global change will affect our economic systems. In the early 1970s, social sciences began to make the...

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