Interview with Carlos de Castro by “Sobrevivir al descalabro”
Some time ago our researcher Carlos de Castro gave un interesting interview to Sobrevivir al descalabro about Gaia theory. For the uninititated, Gaia hypothesis is created in the seventies by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis and is about how the biosphere behaves like...
Modelling of the Industrial Sector of Hydrogen for the Energy Transition
Source: Markusgann The energy transition to decarbonization is the process of progressively replacing the global energy system based on fossil fuels with a system based on energy sources which do not generate net positive emissions. There are very different transition...
Energy intensity as a determinant of the global economic structure and its implications for the energy transition
José Luis Sampedro provides a satisfactory definition of structure: “a set of elements and relations that characterize, with a certain degree of permanence, a reality” (Sampedro,1961). That is, to understand the structure of an economy, it is necessary to pay...
How to react to a new change in cosmology? An Interview with Carlos de Castro and Daniel W. McShea
Introduction and interview: Ramón del Buey Published in Spanish in the journal: Papeles nº158 https://www.fuhem.es/2022/08/26/papeles-158-malestares/ It is symptomatic that the French philosopher Bruno Latour entitled his lecture accepting the latest Kyoto Prize: "How...
LOCOMOTION summer school
Our leading project, LOCOMOTION, is having a summer school organized in Dubrovnik, Croatia this September. The summer school will give initial training to pre-doctoral students (last year master students with the potential of starting a PhD) and PhD students, so that...
Gaia could be a super-organism: a refutation of B. Latour and T. Lenton arguments on the contrary
This is a critique of B. Latour and T. Lenton paper: “Extending the domain of freedom, or why Gaia is so hard to understand” (Latour and Lenton 2019). The Editor of Critical Inquiry journal reject directly this text without peer-review. I sincerely believe, in...
Reply to Fthenakis et al., (2022) (refused to be published by Energies, MDPI)
We are forced to published on our webpage a reply to a paper, Fthenakis et al (2022) [1], which responding to Seibert and Rees (2021) [2] unfoundedly criticizes our work de Castro et al 2020 “Standard, Point of Use, and Extended Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROI)...
GEEDS looking for a Postdoctoral researcher
The Energy, Economics and Systems Dynamics group (GEEDS) of the University of Valladolid is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join its team working on the European projects H2020 LOCOMOTION “Low-carbon society: an enhanced modeling tool for the transition to...
How is the impact of climate change on the economy measured?
Although the economics of climate change is an area that has been developing for decades, there is still a latent debate regarding ‘how much’ and ‘in what way’ this global change will affect our economic systems. In the early 1970s, social sciences began to make the...
How critical is the problem of intermittency in energy transition?
The transition from a fuel-based economy to one that is neutral in greenhouse emissions is the great global challenge of this century, and represents a path of no return if we wish for our species –and the majority of living beings– to continue to exist in favourable...
Mineral demand for electrified mobility. The dark side of this type of mobility?
The emission of greenhouse gases has only increased over the years despite the increased efficiency of technological systems. This has happened for several reasons, the main one being the increased demand for goods and services in the world today (economic growth),...
New article published: The potential land requirements and related land use change emissions of solar energy
In this post, we summarize the main results obtained in the article published recently published “The potential land use requirements and related land use change emissions of solar energy”. Republished from Basque Centre for Climate Change. Summary In the current...