Approval of the Travel Policy

Transport has become one of the largest sources of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) worldwide. This sector, in the European Union, is responsible for generating a quarter of total emissions. Moreover, some studies say that climate scientists tend to travel by plane more often...

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What does decarbonizing transport actually mean?

The European Green Pact considers very ambitious targets for decarbonising the European economy, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 or cutting emissions in sectors such as transport by 90% by 2050. Objectives of similar ambition are considered by...

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XV Congress of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics

As the climate emergency and the need for an energy transition to a low carbon economy gain momentum in all spheres of society, the 15th Congress of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics, celebrated in Toledo between January 29th and 31st, was devoted to the...

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Article in Mother Pelican

Today, we want to share you an article published in the scientific journal named Mother Pelican about the dynamic EROI: http://www.pelicanweb.org/solisustv15n11page15.html Regards.

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The next article has been taken from the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) official website. The original is in: https://meta.eeb.org/2019/10/30/wanted-sophisticated-model-seeks-committed-partners/ A new EU-backed research project is seeking civil society and policy...

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Article in the Ecologist journal

Good morning, Today we share you a new piece of news published in the "Ecologist" journal. The article was written by Margarita Mediavilla (GIR-GEEDS) y Khaled Diab (EEB, European Environmental Bureau).  ...

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